1977 born in Minden, Germany

2000 Academy of Fine Arts Muenster (Kunstakademie Münster) | Prof. Andreas Köpnick, Prof. Paul Isenrath, Prof. Guillaume Bijl

2003 Academy of Fine Arts in Hamburg (HfbK Hamburg) | Prof. Wim Wenders

2003-05 Member of the Artist Group Klangkunst 8.1

2005 Facultat de Belles Arts Barcelona, Spain

2007 Postgraduate studies at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne

Since 2015 Sound Art project SQNCE (with Adriane Wachholz)


Johanna Reich lives and works in Cologne, Germany.



2017   Award for Women in the Arts (Frauenkulturpreis des) LVR

2016    Audience Award @„Discovery Award”, Loop Festival Barcelona, Spain

2015    Project “WHITE SPACES | M”, founded by Skulpturenmuseum Marl (C)

2015    Project „Heroines“, participatory strategies, founded by the Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven

2013    Project Founding SK-Stiftung Kultur Cologne (C)

2012    Sholarship “Präsenz vor Ort”

2011    Konrad-von-Soest Prize Münster

2011    Honorary Mention, Videonale 13. im Kunstmuseum Bonn (C)

2010    GWK Art Award (C)

2010    Prize for the best video artist, Crosstalk Festival Budapest, Hungary

2010    Artist-in-residence, Künstlerhaus Schloß Balmoral, Bad Ems

2010    Borderline, Schirr-project at freshpaint Tel Aviv, Israel

2010    Artist-in-residence, tanzhaus nrw at the Festivals Temps d`images, Cluj, Romania

2009    Advancement Award Media Art NRW (C)

2007    Premi d`art digital, Igualada, Spain

2007    Artist-in-residence, DAAD at Hangar, Barcelona, Spain

2007    Exellence Prize, Japan Media Arts Festival, Metropolitan Museum of Photograpy Tokyo (C)

2006    Nam June Paik Advancement Award, Cologne (C)

2006    Artist-in-residence, Pépinière pour jeunes artistes, CCR, Abbaye de Neumünster, Luxemburg

2006    travel grant, DAAD, desert expedition, California, Utah, Nevada, USA

2005    Project research in Barcelona, Spain, founded by the Circle of Friends of the Academy of Fine Arts Münster

2005    Advancement Award Kunstakademie Münster


2004    Travel Grant Istanbul (C)